Tool Instructions


Twitter is one of the most powerful professional development resources available to educators today. Creating a PLN (Personal Learning Network) of like-minded or not-so-like-minded professionals is an opportunity to learn, to grow, and to challenge our own thinking. Twitter is also a powerful way for teachers to share ideas and resources with one another, and can even be used with students in the classroom.

Twitter does have a learning curve, however! Hashtags, TweetDeck, Direct Messaging, 140 characters, @... it all has a place in the Twitterverse. 

Here are some resources to get you started:
  • Create a Twitter account
  • Follow me @aliciaduell (once you follow me, I will follow you)
  • Follow at least 10 other people
  • Find, follow and participate in at least three hashtag discussions (eg. #edchat, #engchat, etc.)
  • Make at least 20 tweets, loosely following Angela Maier's "Twitter Engagement Formula" (70% Sharing Resources, 20% Collaboration, 10% Chit-Chat)
  • Post about your experiences on the Tech Troop 208 blog
  • Suggested: use the Google Chrome browser and add the TweetDeck extension. You can have columns for your Twitter feed in addition to any hastag (#) discussions or people (@) you're following!

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